How I Stopped Craving Sugar -from a former sugar addict!
There comes a time in life that you or someone you know has reached the bottom. The bottom of a pit that looks hopeless and miserable and you think you'll never get out of it. I've been there, I know the struggle to say, "Tomorrow will be better, tomorrow I will do everything right, tomorrow I will change my ways and won't give in to the sweets that call my name, tomorrow things will be better." Then tomorrow comes, which of course is a Monday and you are ready to take on the day. You made a nice breakfast and have all the stamina of a bull ready to be released and charge into the pit to fight. Lunch comes around and your feeling great; had a nice salad, enjoyed veggies, protein and a fruit. Feeling wonderful and happy. 3 pm hits and you have some coffee to help with that sluggish feeling. You start looking in the cupboards for a healthy snack and choose some fruit. But you're not satisfied; you can't concentrate you need something else because certainly fruit isn't going to hold you over until dinner right? So you go back into the cupboard and find some crackers; "ok cheese and crackers that will work, but those cookies in there for the kids look really good! I can do this, I can have one and be done, I just need a little something sweet, one won't ruin my healthy day!!" And you take that one bite and if you can relate to this you know how it ends don't you?
Why Don't I have enough Will Power to stick to a healthy diet?
At least a dozen different diet plans had been tried from the age of 12 until I was 32. I'd lose some weight and do pretty well for a time only to think I could handle a few treats here and there at birthday parties and holidays, you know.... only special occasions. Then it became more consistent to have a nice special sweet treat just on Sundays to reward myself for a good week of healthy eating. Then Monday rolled around and I was determined to get back on track because of course I knew how to eat healthy and loose weight since I had done it many times before and succeeded. What happened on Monday was the scenario I just shared with you above. I could eat well until about 3 pm and then the treats from Sunday were calling my name that I could not resist. Many times I could make it through the rest of the week until the weekend and then the battle would begin again. Because there was always another party or get together and saying no to the snacks that everyone else was having was just not fair in my opinion. I wanted to eat the way my friends could eat and not gain weight and not have a problem.
But I do have a problem and its name is sugar. When did I finally realize and come to the acceptance of this problem? After many failed attempts to limit the consumption like "normal" people could. I failed miserably because no matter what I did to try to limit eating sweets, sugars hold on me was too strong.
There's HOPE!!
Who needs to remove sugar from their life? Anyone who can relate to what I've shared here.
Can you relate? Or maybe you haven't reached that bottom yet and continue to try and manage a way of life with sugar. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Maybe you are just looking to remove sugar for a time to lose weight and then you can decide if it needs to be for good? And that is certainly fine. One day at a time and in this case my Sugar Detox course will help you.
How did I Overcome?
At the age of 32 I joined a program called Prism, detoxed for 6 weeks then for the next 5 - 6 months learned how to bring certain foods back into my diet without issue, lost the weight I wanted to lose and continued maintaining. After 3 years of teaching classes, writing recipes and helping others to do the same, I was pregnant with my 3rd child. Of course now you'd think I had this under control right? I fooled myself into believing that I could handle going back to everything I ate before I started the program and gained 50 pounds in the pregnancy. BUT I still believed I could just go back to the detox program and do it by myself and I'd be fine. The pull for sugar and trying to do it on my own was even stronger than I ever realized. I tried the South Beach diet but again couldn't stick with it for the long haul once I brought back certain foods. At the age of 35 I decided that once I gain control back to where I was I would NEVER bring white flour or white refined sugars back into my life. The struggle to begin again after my 3rd child was even worse then the first time around at 33. You can read more about this difficult time in my life in my sugar-free journey story. With the help of a friend for accountability I completed another 6 months of detoxing, lost the weight from the pregnancy and have been free from sugar's hold since then. I just turned 42 in November and you could place a candy, or cake or anything in front of me and I have absolutely no desire to eat it, I can say no thank you and mean it. Does that mean I don't eat candy or cake ever? Nope! Have you seen the recipes here on my blog? I've shown that eating sugar-free can be just as tasty and wonderful and you can eventually enjoy healthier sugar-free desserts without the cravings coming back.
How can you be free from the addiction to sugar to finally lose the weight you want?
Through the years of struggle I have experienced and the programs that I have tried, I have developed my own 6 Week Sugar Detox plan for you. This program will not be easy but it will be worth it. You will remove flours, unhealthy carbs and sugars from your diet for 6 weeks. You will receive a weekly video before starting each week that will explain the details and homework. You will have everything spelled out for you in my guidelines to know what exactly you can enjoy and what you need to avoid. The first week will be the hardest, but it will be get easier I promise and you will not regret your decision to break this hold sugar has on your life!
Dec.31. 2014:
I wrote this post last year on January 1st, 2013 and prayed it would be a blessing and affordable for anyone who needed some guidance. It has done just that and I'm grateful so many of you have freedom from sugar. The last year was wonderful, but it was a tough year for me with many stresses. I started the writing of a cookbook last Christmas and it took 8 moths, all the while still homeschooling and maintaining 3 recipes a week for the blog. I don't know how others have done it, but for me, I gained about 10 pounds in the process. All the extra bites, all the test tasting and the stress. Did I return to sugar or backslide in that area? NO way. Did I crave sweets? Nope. I'm free from sugar. I don't crave anything and for that I am grateful. So you are wondering how did I gain the weight if I didn't bring sugar back in my life? Portion Distortion. I overate on food. Healthy or not, sugar free or not, you can easily gain weight when you eat too much of anything. I am living proof. So while I struggled with sharing my defeat and sadness today I know many of you will understand and empathize with me. I know what needs to be done. I must get back the discipline I had. I must track all the food that enters my mouth and be diligent and that's what my own program does. I will be doing the 6 Week Sugar- Detox plan with you, not because I need to detox from sugar. I've been sugar free for 10 years now and will never go back to sugar. But I need to gain back portion control. That is how this program works. It provides portion control, sensible eating, and elimination of sugar craving foods.
I hope you will join me on this journey if you are ready to break free of the hold sugar has in your life!
Update 2021:
My 6 Week Sugar Detox Course is an online self-paced course that you can do by yourself at your own pace or you can choose the support option which is a weekly Zoom meeting with me!! With the support membership, you get the Sugar Detox course included! Read about all the details of this support membership here!
Tonya Ervin
I am unable to locate the link for phase 2 of the detox program. I paid for phase 1 and 2 via PayPal. Can you help please?
Hi Tonya,
The program is no longer available since the new year of 2020 because I'm soon to release another program in April. I just refunded you your money. Sorry about that!
Andre fosh
wow! Brenda this is so nice. Someone eventually speaks my mind. will probably register for the six weeks program because I think I need help too.
Kirti Yadav
What a wonderful and inspiring post. I am truly amazed by the way you have gone to the beautiful journey. I am also on the same path. Initially, I threw white sugar from my house and then switched to brown sugar and finally use jaggery for most of my sweets. I would slowly now move to more natural sources like dates, fruits, and fig. I would also like to invite you to guest post your story on my website. I am sharing my story in the comment website link.
I have had sugar withdrawals when i tried to cut down sugar. Your story is inspiring and i am impressed ! Thanks for sharing
Seth B
I really need to knuckle down and eliminate sugar from my diet. I've tried a few times but always give up after a month or two.
I have a few stubborn pounds that I am trying to lose and I think eliminating sugar would definitely help to shed these unwanted pounds.
Thanks for posting your story!
Platt College
Thanks for supporting the sugar free revolution. I have diabetes and can't eat all the sugar. Thanks again.
This is such an inspiring story! Just like you, it has been a big challenge to resist all kinds of sweets. It's good to know that I'm not alone on this.Thank you for sharing your story and ideas!
Hi Brenda, I just wanted to say that your success is truly inspiring and may I add that your website is THE best thing on the internet. So thankful for it all!
I have lost 20 kilos and feeling better than ever but I was still having trouble with choosing recipes and things like that but not since I came across your website!
My family aren't the healthiest of people (I am a 15 year old) and I am taking over the food and health side of things and all of your recipes are seriously the only thing I need! Not only are they healthy and replace the need and want for sugar, but they inspire me to stay that way, contribute to my family's wellbeing and to never go back to sugar.
So thank you for all that you do!!! Much love.
How wonderful you are so young and know how important it is to stay away from sugar. If only I had known that at such a young age! I'm so blessed by the fact you wrote to me and I pray you continue on this healthy path! Thank you for making my day!
Your story about the sugar addiction really hit home. After reading your post, I feel I could empathize with that person you described exactly. Your book is wonderful and keep up the good work. New Year's Eve was a little bit of a set back, but the hard work so far must be a little noticeable, after no less than 6 different people asked if I had lost some weight.
That's wonderful Congratulations!!! And thank you!!
barbara severson
Hi!! I paid 29.99 for the full six weeks !! plan to start Monday Jan 5th!! when will i get the menu? shopping lists?
Once you paid for the bundle you should have been redirected back to my site for the passwords needed for both phases. I will email you.
I just bought the phase 2 plan and I haven't received the password yet. When will I get the password so I can get the information to continue the plan?
I will send you a private email.
Your story completely resonated with me. I've been on a journey to go mostly sugar free for a long time....on, off, on, off, ... I just binged today. I want to kick it to the curb! I know Jesus is my portion forever and He is my everything, so why do I keep going back to the sugar ditch!? Rrrr... I need help. For sure. I will try week 1. But certainly need accountability. We all helps to have others to pick me up.
ONE day at a time friend! Try week 1, you'll not be hungry and you will overcome this pull for sugar, it can be done. 🙂
Brenda, I have read your journey on your website and it sounds like me, except I am still in the grips of sugar. I feel I need to detox my system and will try some of your smoothie recipes. Will you be doing a free sample week of your diet plan anytime soon? I'd like to give it a try.
Hi Julie, week 1 on my Sugar Detox plan is available now. Here's the link to the shopping list and the menu plan:
I did it I did it I did it~ Why do I feel so nervous? HaHa what? Do I wait for a link via email or...
I sent you an email. 🙂
Hey Brenda,
I just purchased the phase 1 of your program and am so excited to get started! I haven't received any email for me to sign up for a password...I even checked my spam folder and haven't found anything? Please help?
Ps...Thank you for doing this. I want so badly to change my life and feel better.
I just emailed you privately. 🙂
Hey Brenda,
I just purchased phase 1 and 2 of your program - 2 days ago - but have not received any email for me to sign up for a password…Also checked my spam folder and haven’t found anything? Please help?
I'll send you a private email.
I'm so sad that you only accept payments with PayPal. I had a horrible experience with them where my accounts was hacked and yuck, I'll spare the details. But because of that I just can't bring myself to trust their service any longer. I was really hoping to follow your plan. If you have an alternate pay option, please do let me know. Thanks for sharing the week 1 plan and some recipes though, that will help a lot!
HI Kim, You most certainly can use another means besides Paypal simply by clicking, "I don't have a Paypal account at the bottom of the Paypal" invoice page and it will provide credit card methods. Hope that works for you, let me know!
Thank you so much! I was able to find the place to just enter my card and have now completed my purchase. I'm really, really (really!) looking forward to this.
My pleasure!!
I paid for the phase 1 detox yesterday Jan 3 but have not received any email with password or instructions. Please advise.
Maybe it went to your spam folder? I will send you a link via this email you gave me.
Hi Brenda,
Happy New Year! I signed up for both phases of your program on 1/1/14 and am so ready to start the end of my sugar craving. I've not received a password, though, and seek your guidance on next steps. Thanks,
Hi Mary, congrats!! Happy you are joining me! The password should have been sent to your email, you can check it then let me know if you don't have it. I will email you the code you need for entering into the phase 1 page.
Can't seem to find it among my many emails - I even checked the spam/junk folder, just in case. Look forward to watching the video!
I just emailed you the link you need.
I too feel like you are speaking to me. I am 42, am heavier now than I was when I was pregnant with my second child! I am a chocolate addict. I have got to get this under control!! Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Brenda, I signed up for the detox program and received a password, but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with it. I don't see anywhere on your site to enter a password.
Go back to the main page where you saw the Sugar Detox tab. Directly under that tab it says Sugar Detox Phase 1 and that is where you use your passcode. Let me know if you found it ok.
Found it! Thanks!
Hi There!
I just bought your combo! Look so forward to going through this plan. When I read this page, I felt as though you were talking about ME!! I'm at the heaviest I've ever been 2 years after having my first baby. I sit all the time for work and rarely have the motivation to exercise. Sweets are the bane of my existence!
Thank you for doing this and at such a bargain!!
Thank you Lacy!! So excited you're be joining me!! We can do this and it's going to be awesome!
Hi Brenda,
Just another thought, still considering about doing this. Just wanted to note that you may want to mention also salsa with no sugar, as I know several salsas that use sugar. Thank you for sharing this and trying to assist us who are addicted to sugar. I will get back to you if it is something I can afford to do, as my budget is pretty tight now. The longer term investment would be inmeasurable I am sure! Thank you again!!
thanks Patricia I will include that and you are so right--most store bought salsas are full or sugar. You could do week 1 for free, starts on Sunday!
I am interested in trying the detox, but the sample menu had a lot of dairy foods in it, and I am sensitive to dairy. Do you have suggestions for substitutions?
No unfortunately many of the recipes include some form of dairy during the first two weeks.
Thanks, Brenda. I'm still thinking about doing it. For the recipes with dairy, I am sure I could find some alternatives. Do the You Tube videos deal with conquering sugar addiction? That is an area where I definitely need a lot of help.
The videos will be private for members only because it goes through the exact guidelines in detail of my program; what to eat each week and why are eliminating these foods for a time. I hope you'll join me!